January 21, 2014

Management Theories

Sl.No. Theory Inventor
1 Hierarchy of Needs Theory (Motivation Theory) Abraham Maslow
2 Management By Objectives Peter Drucker (1954)
3 Two-Factor Theory of Motivation - Hygien Theory Herzberg
4 Principles of Management H. Fayol
5 Scientific Management F.W. Taylor (1911)
6 Sociol Realatioship Elton Mayo
7 X &Y(Human Relation , Motivation) McGregor
8 Classical school Fayol, James Etc.
9 PERT US Navy Special Projects Office (1958)
10 CPM Du Point (1958)
11 TQM Edward Deming
12 POSDCO R. GULICH (1935)
13 Emprical School Ernest Dale
14 Decision Theory H.A.Simon
15 System Management Croztery, Bamforth
16 Management Science Churchman,March
17 Contigency or Situational Woodward
18 Performance Budget Hoover commission (1949)
19 Zero Base Budgeting Peter Phyor (1970)
20 Programe Planning Budgeting Ssystem USDOD / Hitch (1961)

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