January 17, 2014


1. WIPO is located at

2. The National Mission on Libraries,India was established in which year ?

3. The production of mental reflection and imagination is known as

4. Who is the propounder of the term ‘Information Transfer’ ?

5. Which organisation was joined with ‘Library Association’ to form CILIP in 2007 ?

6. Dictionary of National Biography (DNB) contains biography of prominent people of

7. The “citation indexes” are now available online as

8. Which among the following is free Audio book site ?

9. The online version of ‘McGraw Hill Encyclopaedia of Science and Technology’ is

10. ‘Indian National Bibliography’ is arranged under two parts, General Publication and Publications.

11. The concept of ‘Reference Service’ is given by

12. Which of the following is not an alerting service ?

13. The concept of ‘Ask Library Anything’ was originally initiated by

14. In C.C. the title ‘Medical Jurisprudence’ can be classified and sharpened with the help of

15. Template is a

16. ‘Research-in-progress’ database in India is________.

17. ‘Open Journal Access System’ in India is mainly managed by

18. In the world wide web, name the acronym that describes the internet address of a file

19. TKDL is developed and managed by

20. Web impact factor is developed by

21. Which of the following guides are used in maintenance section of the library?
(i) Gangway guides
(ii) Shelf guides
(iii) Tier guides
(iv) User guides
Codes :

22. Which of the following are ‘TQM’ tools ?
(i) Fishbone Diagram
(ii) Histogram
(iii) Pie Chart
(iv) Run Charts
Codes :

23. Library Ethics is a combination of what?
(i) Responsibility
(ii) Accountability
(iii) Commitment
(iv) Decision Making
Codes :

24. Which of the following is/are related to open access initiatives?
(i) Creative Commons
(ii) DOAJ
(iii) FOSS
(iv) GNU
Codes :

25. User-friendly interface caters to
(i) Human-computer Interaction
(ii) Individual users with customisation
(iii) Simplify execution of operations
(iv) Basis for computer-computer interface
Codes :

26. As per Voigt’s study, which are the approaches of the scientists towards information?
(i) Current
(ii) Everybody
(iii) Exhaustive
(iv) Browsing
Codes :

27. Why to cite ?
(i) Acknowledging the source
(ii) Crediting the original ideas
(iii) Substantiate findings
(iv) For popularising cited sources
Codes :

28. Match the following

a. DCMES i. Defined Functional Requirements of Records
b. MARC ii. Rules for Bibliographic Records
c. RDA iii. Retrieval and Data Exchange
d. FRBR iv. Coding Scheme for computerised Bibliographic Records
Codes :
a b c d

29. Match the following dialogue systems

a. Menu i. Computer recognizable dialogues
b. Icons ii. Communicating with computers with everyday language
c. Natural language iii. List of options available
d. Common language iv. Pictorial representation of objects
Codes :
a b c d

30. Match the following

a. POSDCORB i. Robert McNamara
b. TQM ii. Peter Phyrr
c. ZBB iii. Gulick F.Urwick
d. PPBS iv. Edward Deming
Codes :a b c d

31. Match the following :

a. Remote resource sensing satellite i. Processing data
b. Memory chips ii. Transportation of data
c. VLSI chips iii. Capture data
d. Optical fibre iv. Storage data
Codes :a b c d

32. Match the following :

a. f(r) = K/r i. Bradford
b. xny = C ii. Zipf’s
c. L : n : n2 iii. Pareto
d. 80 – 20 iv. Lotka
Codes : a b c d

33. Match the following :

a. Scientific Management i. Max Weber
b. System School ii. Mary Follett
c. Human Behaviour School iii. Henry Fayol
d. Classical School iv. Louis Brandeis
Codes : a b c d

34. Match the following as per Ranganathan’s Staff formula recommended for a university library :

a. Acquisition Section i. 1 person for 1500 readers
b. Reference Section ii. 1 person for 500 titles
c. Periodical Section iii. 1 person for 6000 titles
d. Circulation Section iv. 1 person for 50 readers
Codes : a b c d

35. Match the following standard subdivisions from DDC :

a. Philosophy and Theory i. 07
b. Serial Publications ii. 05
c. Collections iii. 01
d. Study and Teaching iv. 08
Codes : a b c d

36. Arrange the following in chronological order of their establishment :
(ii) DARPA
(iv) ICCB (Internet Configuration Control Board)
Codes :

37. Arrange the following according to their year of origin :
(i) APA
(ii) MLA
(iii) Chicago
(iv) Turbian
Codes :

38. Arrange the following State Library Acts according to their year of establishment :
(i) Goa
(ii) West Bengal
(iii) Orissa
(iv) Karnataka
Codes :

39. Give the following in sequence according to the year of their first publication :
(i) Bibliographic Classification
(ii) Universal Decimal Classification
(iii) Library of Congress Classification
(iv) Colon Classification
Codes :

40. Assertion (A) : All research require hypotheses to be proposed and tested.
Reason (R): No research is complete without testing of hypotheses.
Codes :

41. Assertion (A): Historical Research has been regarded to be truly scientific by many authorities.
Reason (R) : Historical evidences can be replicated.
Codes :

42. Assertion (A) : There is a dismal scene relating to the development of public libraries especially rural libraries in India.
Reason (R) : Majority of the states do not have library legislation.
Codes :

43. Assertion (A) : It would be logical to replace catalogue with metadata.
Reason (R) : Metadata is useful for organising and managing information resources.
Codes :

44. Assertion (A) : The use of the symbol ‘double colon’ (: :) in UDC allows fixed order of component numbers in a compound subject.
Reason (R) : The fixed order facilitates easy access in computer based information retrieval.
Codes :

45. Assertion (A) : There is criticism by academicians and scientists on the use of impact factor as a measure of importance.
Reason (R) : Impact factor is a journal metrics and can not be used to assess quality of individual research. Codes :

46. Read the following passage and answer the questions 46-50 :
Computing is in nature a problemdriven science and therefore PBL approaches have been applied to teach various subjects. Kay et al. (2000) describe PBL in foundation courses in computer science. The course is driven by specific problems related to programming skills and the instructors have set specific criteria to measure the success of their approach at the end of each problem. Having applied the approach for three years the authors of the study conclude that the PBL approach promoted the collaboration among students and their problem solving abilities. A problem-based approach is used in a software development project (O’Kelly and Gibson, 2006). The authors claim that, with this approach, students are provided with the freedom to think for themselves, activate their prior knowledge and acquire new knowledge in an explorative and creative way. Another study supports that lecture based approaches are not stimulating and the computer skills learnt are not transferable to other situations (Lai, 2005). The author applied PBL in teaching pre-school teachers popular computer applications such as Microsoft Office. Based on their evaluation of the activities, the author concludes that the course was motivational and also promotes higher order thinking skills. Ellis et al. (1998) refer to the full problem-based learning and the guided problem-based learning approaches. In full problem-based learning, the nature of the problem guides and drives the entire learning experience. There are no formal expositions of knowledge from the “expert”, and the students develop resources based on requirements they determine. In guided problem-based learning, students have a problem to solve as a group.
Q.no.46 46. What was the result of problem based learning approach ?

47. What are the advantages of PBL application in teaching ?

48. What are the limitations of lecture based approach ?

49. Which types of approaches are described by Ellis ?

50. Which approach has no formal exposition of knowledge from experts ?

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