January 18, 2014


1. According to Machlup the difference between information and knowledge is

2. “Web of Science” is

3. “Facts on File” can be grouped under

4. In MARC 21, subject access fields are

5. Transformation of traditional libraries to hybrid / digital libraries is

6. Which one of the following is not a switching system ?

7. Access to back volumes of E-journals is known as _______.

8. The chi-square technique is used to compare the observed data with that of

9. ‘Parry Committee’ (UK) was set up to advise

10. FRBR is developed by

11. Who were involved in Public Library Movement in India?
(i) Sayaji Rao Gaekwad II
(ii) C.D. Deshmukh
(iii) S. Radhakrishnan
(iv) S.R. Ranganathan
Codes :

12. Which of the following are library networks ?
(i) Internet
(iii) NICNET
(iv) OCLC
Codes :

13. Which of the following are review type services ?
(i) Current Awareness
(ii) Trend Reports
(iii) News Clippings
(iv) State of the Art Report
Codes :

14. The basic characteristics of a system are
(i) Interrelated components
(ii) Independent and can stand alone
(iii) Arranged in hierarchical order
(iv) Inputs, processes, outputs & feed back
Codes :

15. The general image file formats are :
(i) TIFF
(ii) JPEG
(iii) MPEG
(iv) PNG
Codes :

16. Which of the following are common types of protocols ?
(i) HTTP
(ii) FTP
(iii) Telnet
(iv) Gopher
Codes :

17. Which of the following are not the elements of DOI system ?
(i) Policies
(ii) Subject
(iii) Description
(iv) Resolution
Codes :

18. Which of the following are Trade Bibliographies ?
(i) Books-in-Print
(ii) Indian Books-in-Print
(iii) Indian National Bibliography
(iv) British National Bibliography
Codes :

19. Assertion (A) : Distance education for LIS courses is gaining ground in India.
Reason (R) : Majority of people prefer it as an alternative channel of education.
Codes :

20. Assertion (A) : Indian libraries are making optimum use of social networking.
Reason (R) : Social networking has wider role in dissemination of information.
Codes :

21. Assertion (A) : Knowledge is growing exponentially.
Reason (R) : Number of researchers have increased.
Codes :

22. Assertion (A) : Present decade has accepted E-journals as channels of fast communication.
Reason (R) : E-publications have added enormous quantity of literature but affected the quality of research.
Codes :

23. Assertion (A) : Library & Information centres are knowledge/management centres.
Reason (R) : Libraries handle tacit knowledge.
Codes :

24. Assertion (A) : Metadata hold much promise for information retrieval and access in the digital age.
Reason (R) : Metadata can save a number of functions including description, resource discovery and management of resources.
Codes :

25. Assertion (A) : Training methods through brain storming stimulate idea generation.
Reason (R) : Training methods do not provide opportunity to unskilled to become skilled.
Codes :

26. Assertion (A) : Random samples are not representative of the whole population.
Reason (R) : Random numbers are used in forming a random sample.
Codes :

27. Assertion (A) : Information Literacy is a basic skill essential for work environment in 21st century.
Reason (R) : Information Literacy helps to train the users to make use of ICT.
Codes :

28. Arrange the following according to their year of first publication :
(i) Bliss Classification
(ii) Dewey Decimal Classification
(iii) Library of Congress Classification
(iv) Universal Decimal Classification.
Codes :

29. Arrange the following IFLA programmes according to their year of commencement :
(i) UBC
(ii) UAP
(iii) ISBD
(iv) International MARC Office
Codes :

30. Arrange the following according to their year of origin :
(i) Indian National Bibliography
(ii) British National Bibliography
(iii) Cumulative Book Index
(iv) Books in Print
Codes :

31. Arrange the following in a chronological order according to their year of establishment :
(i) Library of Congress
(iii) Delivery of Books Act
(iv) National Library of India
Codes :

32. Arrange the following bibliographical standards according to their year of development :
(i) ISBD
(ii) MARC
(iii) Dublin Core
(iv) RDF
Codes :

33. Arrange the following according to their year of origin :
(ii) XML
(iii) HTML
(iv) SGML
Codes :

34. Arrange the following in order of their year of establishment :
(i) INIS
(ii) AGRIS
Codes :

35. Arrange the following according to their year of enactment :
(i) Tamil Nadu Public Library Act
(ii) Kerala Public Library Act
(iii) Maharashtra Public Library Act
(iv) Orissa Public Library Act
Codes :

36. Match the following :

a. ‘Guide to Use of Books And Libraries’ i. F.W. Lancaster
b. ‘If You Want to Evaluate Your Library’ ii. A.C. Foskelt
c. ‘Cuneiform to Computer : A History of Reference Sources’ iii. Jean K. Gates
d. ‘Subject Approach to Information’ iv. William A. Katz
Codes : a b c d

37. Match the following :

a. Directory i. Information Please Almanac
b. Annuals ii. Keesing’s Record of World Events
c. Bibliography iii. Encyclopaedia of Associations
d. News paper Digest iv. Publishers’ Weekly
Codes : a b c d

38. Match the following :

a. Guiding users to the place of information i. Digest
b. Guiding users in the use of information ii. User orientation
c. Alerting users with the latest arrivals iii. Referral
d. Providing users with summarised information iv. Current Awareness
Codes : a b c d

39. Match the following :

a. B.S. Kesvan i. School of librarianship
b. Paul Otlet ii. National Library of India
c. W.C.B.Sayers iii. UDC
d. M. Taube iv. Uniterm Indexing
Codes : a b c d

40. Match the following :

a. Theory of Motivation i. Factor of planning
b. Unity of Command ii. Efficiency and waste prevention
c. MBO iii. Maslow
d. Forecasting iv. Peter Drucker
Codes : a b c d

41. Match the following :

a. Classification i. LISA
b. Cataloguing ii. UDC
c. Subject Heading iii. AACR
d. Library Science Abstracts iv. LCSH
Codes : a b c d

42. Match the following :

LIST 1(Budgetary technique) LIST 2(Limitation of budgetary technique)
a. Line i. Detailed information required
b. Formula ii. Time consuming
c. PPBS iii. Do not permit variation
d. Zerobased iv. Do not suggest future
Codes : a b c d

43. Match the following :

a. File transfer protocol i. Data transmission capacity
b. Multimedia ii. Integration of text, colour sound and animation
c. Bandwidth iii. Bulletin Board
d. Electronic Notice Board iv. Internet
Codes : a b c d

44. Match the following :

a. ISDN i. Web page
b. URL ii. Video Conferencing
c. Firewall iii. Internet Standard for Information Transmission
d. HTTP iv. Protecting unauthorised access internet
Codes : a b c d

45. Match the following :

a. OCLC i. Bio-Med
b. INFLIBNET ii. Web-Dewey
c. IISC iii. N-List
d. NLM iv. Digital Library of India
Codes : a b c d

46. Read the passage given below, and answer the questions based on your understanding of the passage. (Question Nos. 46-50)
With the realization across the world that the global economy is going to be increasingly knowledge-based, science and technology have become the subject of discussion not just in classical ministries but also in ministries as diverse as commerce, industry and finance, and in case of United States, even in the State Department. In India, the Prime Minister has made frequent statements about the need to step up scientific research in the country.Several large companies, including multinationals are outsourcing R & D programmes to India. This is partly because scientists are cheaper in India dollar for dollar, but also because India has a large pool of trained scientists. Industry data shows that R & D is now the third-largest segment in India’s export of Information Technology (IT) services. Foreign companies have invested over $ 1 billion in research operations in India from 1998 to 2003 and another estimated $ 5 billion are in the pipeline. The United States is the biggest investor followed by Germany, France, Denmark and UK. Japan and China have also begun to invest in research programmes in India. Most foreign investment is being directed to research in computer sciences, pharmaceuticals, molecular chemistry, drug discovery, engineering and automotive design and biotechnology, including plant breeding. Whereas, flow of foreign investments has enthused research institutions that are targeted for collaboration, there is also cause for concern. Although, India now attracts considerable foreign investment in R & D, it has no system in place for assessing how this investment is affecting the country’s technological development. Nor is there any mechanism to monitor the impact of such investment on aspects such as skill development, sectoral capacity building etc. Do such foreign – funded research programmes benefit only the scientists and technicians in the form of better salaries and perks or do they also produce benefits for the country as a whole ?
Q.No. 46. Focus on science and technology has increased because

47. The following group of countries are the biggest investors in research :

48. What is the cause of concern regarding foreign investment in research ?

49. Most foreign investment is being made in the area of

50. Foreign companies are outsourcing R & D programmes to India because

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